On September 21st, we had the 20 week ultrasound and found out that Lil' Snappies is a girl!!! We had no problem picking out a name. We both adore the name Coco. Our fashionista friends assume that we are naming her after Coco Chanel, but that is not the case. We just like the cute, two syllable names (like Nene).
We were thrilled. When Victor shared the news with his mother, I could hear her screaming on the phone all the way accross the room. I am sure we would have been just as thrilled if Lil' Snappies were a boy, but knowing the gender takes a lot of the mystery out of the pregnancy...almost like opening a present on Christmas. Some people like to open gifts on Christmas Eve, while others are very disciplined and wait until the actual day. We are clearly the former.
After the ultrasound appointment, we went over to Los Robles Hospital in Thousand Oaks where Kira will give birth to Coco. We met with the hospital administrator and got a tour of the facilities. The administrator referred to Lil' Snappies as "your daughter" for the first time...and my eyes welled up.
Then we decided it was time to celebrate with some shopping! We had been holding off buying any clothes, decorating the room, completing the registry, etc, until we knew the gender. Kira pointed us in the direction of the nearest baby store and we picked out a couple of cute little outfits. I can't imagine how silly Victor and I must have looked coo'ing over little pastel pink onesies. This is going to be fun!
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